- Bootloader ver. 2.0x
- Bootloader ver. 1.1x
NewsAIM USB 4 released13 November 2017
The new AIM USB 4 has been released! The new AIM USB is 100k feet capable and features 40 amp ejection transisters as well as a tiny 65mm x 25mm PCB size. The unit also includes a micro USB cable used with most modern phones. AIM XTRA 2.02 released25 January 2015
The new AIM XTRA 2.02 has been released. Included in the hardware upgrade is the MAX8Q GPS module - an incredibly accurate and sensitive GPS receiver. The new unit has much faster acquisition and improved lock! TestimonialsNicholas Sunderlin05 August 2012
"We finally had a clear day and an FAA waiver for our launch yesterday. We launched an L1115. We were aiming for 10,000ft and got roughly 9600ft. We are Unbelievably happy with your AIM XTRA gps unit. Soon after launch we lost visual of the rocket into the clouds and never regained site of it. During the flight we continuously received data from the unit and tracked it. Due to the high winds we found it in a corn field about a mile away. Everything worked without a flaw. Attached is the kml and csv file obtained from the unit after recovery. We never lost signal and found it within 10 feet of the gps coordinates on the unit. I absolutely love this AIM XTRA. Nicholas Sunderlin - University at Buffalo" Justin Gomersall03 August 2012
"We launched today with the new 7.4v 800mah battery. The launch was perfect and the below graph confirms this." |
AIM XTRA GPS flight computerThe AIM XTRA is a complete GPS flight tracking computer. Tracks up to 30km (~20 miles) line of sight (with included antennas) with an accuracy of approx 10m (3 feet) using the AIM BASE radio receiver. With a Yagi antenna connected to the AIM BASE, over 100km tracking range is possible! ![]()
The AIM XTRA 2.0 is a GPS electronic payload, incorporating a RF transmitter and additional sensors for a complete telemetry system. The AIM XTRA makes use of an advanced Swiss engineered avionics GPS for precision airborne location tracking. GPS co-ordinates are stored onboard flash memory, as well as being transmitted to a ground base station (AIM BASE) which connects via USB to a PC, laptop or even a netbook. Thats just the beginning... The XTRA includes a pressure sensor capable up to 100k feet. This allows for very accurate altitude readings. The GPS and pressure sensor work together to give vertical accuracy and resolution. Also included is a 105g linear accelerometer for motor characterisation and flight analysis. An onboard triple axis 16g accelerometer adds resolution and accuracy vertically, while giving you extra latteral acceleration data. An onboard temperature sensor is also inlcluded. A 3 axis gyroscope gives rotation data. Additionally, a 3 axis magnetometer offers magnetic field data. There are 4 high current (40 amps continious) output channels available which can be configured to fire for any duration using multiple triggers (altitude, apogee, velocity, time). Each output channel can be used as an input channel to sample an external sensor such as a thermocouple mounted on your motor, or even a pressure transducer located inside your motor. All this information is relayed in realtime to your PC via the AIM BASE receiver. The AIM XTRA includes a very powerful (50mW) transmitter opperating in the 432-434 MHz band. Best of all: it's so easy to use! The AIM XTRA is fully USB compatible. It doesn't use translators which emulatate RS232. This really is a fully "Plug and Play" solution. Purchased the AIM XTRA and looking for information?Your AIM XTRA includes the ability to have its onboard software (firmware) upgraded by the user from his or her PC. Your altimeter includes the latest firmware available when shipped.Because software changes can lead to different behaviour, we have to make sure you get the correct manual corrosponding to the firmware loaded onto your device. We have included everything nescesary for you to get started in a convenient "package". A list of downloads is availble on the left menu. Key features (AIM XTRA 2.0 with latest firmware)
Firmware and software upgradesPlease download the latest "package" for your device on the left. If you dont know your "bootloader" version, just select the latest version and the software will tell you if you have an older bootloader.Upload and compare!Email us your flights and we will put them up under the AIM XTRA flights section.Screen-shotsClick on the images to enlarge them. |